Friday, June 7, 2013

Zathura: a space adventure movie review

This film is about a magic board game that takes you into space and in order to get back home you must play the game all the way through. This Film stars Josh Huctherson, Kristen Stewart, and Jonah Bobo. this film is about a pair of brothers that just don't get along and a sister who doesn't care at all. they all live with their dad but are heading to their mom's house. Their dad has to go to work and while he's gone the brothers get in a fight. whenever the younger brother gets upset he goes and hides in the dumbwaiter. the older brother find him and send him down into the basement . his younger brother hates the basement. while running out of the basement his brother find the game Zathura. the younger brother wants to play the game but the older doesn't. the younger brother starts the game and suddenly they are in space. while playing they encounter aliens, evil robots, and even an astronaut. They must finish the game in order to get home. this film is full of action and adventure. The actor did a great job. this film is definitely one that you should check out. This film is great for time with the family. I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you next time when you spend a day at the movies with me. Till next time "What do you know how to make" "Water".

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