Monday, April 22, 2013

Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs movie review

This is part five of my animated movie week. this is the final part of the animated movies for now. One animated movie that caught my eye was Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. the first moment  heard the title and I thought it would be a version of one of my favorite books from when I was younger. the story line was in some ways the same. They did  keep some of the parts of the books that  I loved so much. I loved the idea of a scientist inventing a machine that could potentially make it rain food. This movie Has it's laugh out loud funny moments. I loved how they kept the chaos from the book. the spaghetti tornado and the pancake landing on the school. This is not a book to movie adaptation. this was based around the book to be a funny children's movie.  It does and amazing job aiming at the audience it was made for. it appeals to more than just kids, it appeals to pretty much everyone. overall I think this is a great movie overall and I recommend it to all. I would give this movie an 8.5 out of 10. I hope you enjoyed this review and the animated movie week. If you liked  my animated movie week tell me down in the comments below. My next review will be on Paul Blart : Mall Cop, so you won't want to miss it. Till next time " Can you look me in the eye's and tell me you have this under control and it wont end up in a disaster?" thank you guys and I'll see you next time we spend a day at the movies.

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